Please email us at if you are interested in becoming a sponsor
Sockeye Sponsor: $20,000
A customized sponsorship benefit e.g., leaders’ dinner or similar
Opportunity to participate in the conference agenda
Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event and at the Globe Forum (where the Blueprint will be rolled out)
Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)
Digital Advertisement/Marketing (dedicated post recognition, delegate eblast, website)
Chinook Sponsor: $10,000
Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event and at the Globe Forum (where the Blueprint will be rolled out)
Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)
Digital Advertisement/Marketing (dedicated post recognition, delegate eblast, website)
Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event online (Whova)
Coho Sponsor: $5,000
Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event
Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)
Digital Advertisement/Marketing (dedicated post recognition, delegate eblast, website)
Pink Sponsor: $1,000
Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event
Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)