Please email us at if you are interested in becoming a sponsor

Sockeye Sponsor: $20,000

  • A customized sponsorship benefit e.g., leaders’ dinner or similar

  • Opportunity to participate in the conference agenda

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event and at the Globe Forum (where the Blueprint will be rolled out)

  • Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)

  • Digital Advertisement/Marketing (dedicated post recognition, delegate eblast, website)

Chinook Sponsor: $10,000

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event and at the Globe Forum (where the Blueprint will be rolled out)

  • Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)

  • Digital Advertisement/Marketing (dedicated post recognition, delegate eblast, website)

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event online (Whova)

Coho Sponsor: $5,000

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event

  • Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)

  • Digital Advertisement/Marketing (dedicated post recognition, delegate eblast, website)

Pink Sponsor: $1,000

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement throughout event

  • Digital Platform Coverage (Whova)